Weggis is in the heart of Central Switzerland.
From Lucerne, Zug or Schwyz you are in Weggis within 20-30 minutes by car. From Zurich it is 40 minutes.

By car

In front of HYG is a public car park directly on the lake.

If this is already full, there is an alternative public car park within a 5-10 minute walk:

Kids tip: There is a large playground with a beautiful view next to the “Parkhaus See”.

By public transport (bus)

The nearest bus stop is called “Weggis, Neubühl” and is 400m away, so about 5 minutes on foot.

There is no railway station in Weggis, but there is a boat station.

Further information:

By public transport (boat)

“Weggis boat station” is 700m away, so about 10 minutes by foot. From the boat station to HYG it is a wonderful walk along the beautiful lake promenade.

If you want to take a longer walk, get off at “Hertenstein Schiffstation” and walk about 25 minutes to HYG. Also along the lake.

Further info:
Half-Fare / GA is also valid

By private boat

There are two public boat parking spots just two minutes from the HYG. From the lake, look for the sign of “Hotel Rigi” and as you approach the shore, you will see the sign for the parking.